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How to Write a College Resume

Standing out as the perfect candidate in college admissions is no easy task. Crafting a strong and compelling resume that highlights your strengths is the first step to edging out your competition. In the ever-evolving modern-day world, resumes are not only applicable after graduation, they are a necessity for internships, scholarships, and college applications.

Most colleges require resumes during applications, so, how do I craft the perfect college resume? This article explores the do’s and don’ts when crafting your college resume, read on to learn more.

What is a College Resume?

According to Boxresume a premium resume writing service company, a college resume is simply a brief and well-written document used to add flavour and complement your college application. It allows you to highlight your high school achievements. College resumes show your extracurricular achievements to your admission officers and help showcase your character outside of the classroom.

How to write a college resume?

Your college resume should include the most important details, from awards, academic accomplishments, job volunteer experience, etc. Here are 5 recommended tips on how to craft the perfect college resume:

1. Begin with your Education

College applications highlight education achievements at the top as opposed to the bottom. Being a first-year student automatically implies that you have little professional experience, so your education is your strong point. Colleges are higher academic institutions which implies that they value the academic performance of individuals they deem fit to join their institutions. List your academic accolades and accomplishments in this section and ensure it is placed at the top of your college resume.

2. Include your contact information

Incorporate your contact information in this section. This will allow your admission officers to easily contact you supposing they are impressed with your application and you perfectly meet their expectations. Include your official name, home address, working phone number, and email address in your college resume. Use an email address that includes your name if possible.

3. Add a work history

This section features your entire work history, internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer roles included. Ensure each entry showcases the job title, company name, date of employment, and a summary of your duties and responsibilities. Remember to include any achievements in the workplace.

4. Add special skills

Add a personal touch to your college resume by including your hard and soft skills. Soft skills like teamwork, proper communication, and problem-solving skills. Highlight your prowess by adding the different languages you speak and mentioning other certifications received from your special skills.

5. Add special activities, hobbies, and Interests

Including your hobbies and interests and other special activities in your resume helps improve the outlook of your college resume. You may have gained valuable experience from special activities like public speaking, being a team captain in sports, or holding other leadership positions.  This information is vital and will aid in impressing your admissions officers.

Get professional assistance from professionals today

A perfect well-crafted college resume is essential to guarantee the success of your application. Incorporating the above tips when crafting your resume will help you stand out from the crowd and help Impress your admissions officers. Remember to keep it brief, to the point, and well-detailed.

Need help drafting your college resume? Boxresume is here to your rescue, our team of experts will help you build and craft the perfect college resume. Get in touch with us today and sit back and relax as we do all the heavy lifting for you.

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